Please enter the number of tickets you wish to book.
Please note: There is a ticket limit of 8 tickets per person and per credit card on this event.
Please adhere to published ticket limits. Persons who exceed the ticket limit may have any or all of their order(s) and tickets cancelled without prior notice by Tickets Scotland in its discretion. This includes: orders associated with the same name, e-mail address, billing address, credit card number or other information.
Please read the additional information for this event before booking.
BALC 8+/STAND 14+/U16 W18+ Under 25’s require ID (passport/driving licence) to purchase alcohol. Safety and Security Please arrive in good time as security measures are in place, which include bag checks on arrival. Large bags - including rucksacks - are not allowed, so please do make alternative arrangements. Please check the FAQs of the venue you’re visiting in advance to find out more.